This is Set Five
Snips 'n Snaps
Set Five
Christmas 2001 - could have been a disaster (I'm still looking for another contract) but thanks to Casey's early shopping for gifts and some remarkable generosity on the part of the manager of the Universal City Hilton, we had a wonderful time. We took a number of photos to show off the Presidential suite so this group of images extends over several sets.  Some of these images are quite large - right-click on them and either View Image or Save Image As to your local drive for better viewing.

The Christmas tree as it was at Christmas (things seem to change almost every day)

I tried to do justice to the view from outside (ours is the top apartment under the 'X') but failed <boo>.

The same-ish tree but after Christmas - with icicle lights to brighten up the view from outside.

Tom was adamant that he could get wrapped up as a gift too...